How to Care for Frosty Ferns

Closeup of frosty fern

If you’re looking for some beautiful houseplants, look no further than frosty ferns. These plants are perfect for the winter months, as they add a touch of greenery to your home and bring some Christmas cheer. But don’t worry – frosty ferns can be enjoyed all year round!

Frosty ferns are perfect for any setting. Whether you’re looking for a plant to brighten up your home or want something to spruce up your office desk, frosty ferns make a good choice.


Common namesFrosty Fern; Frosted Fern; Spike Moss
Botanical nameSelaginella kraussiana
LightBright, indirect
WaterWater regularly (once or twice a week)
Potting SoilHigh-quality, well-draining and remain moist

General information

Interestingly enough, frosty ferns are not ferns! They’re members of the genus Selaginella, which is in the spike moss family. There are over 700 species of Selaginella, and frosty ferns are just one of them.

Frosty ferns get their name from their white-tipped leaves.  In the wild, they can be found in tropical rainforests and mountainous regions.

They are relatively small plants. Indoors, when fully grown, they can reach up to 8 inches (20 cm) in height.

Now, taking care of this plant is not that simple. You’ve got to either have or create the right conditions for your frosty fern to thrive, otherwise you run the risk of your plant not surviving.


Place your frosty fern in a location that receives bright, indirect light.

Be careful not to put your plant in a spot with direct light, as this can lead to the following:

  • Leaves that are pale or yellowish
  • Leaves that are burned or dried out


If possible, water your frosty fern with distilledOpens in a new tab. water. You’ll need to water it at least once or twice a week during the growing season (spring and summer) and cut this down by about half in the fall and winter months.

Be mindful about over-watering your plant, as this can lead to root rot. So, allow the potting soil to dry out slightly in between watering.

Additionally, watering with too much force can damage the foliage. So, water gently, using a spray bottle to spray the water directly into the soil or by using a watering can with a small spout.


It’s best to use high-grade potting soil that is well-draining. And, you’ll need to keep the soil moist and not soggy.

Temperature and humidity

Don’t let the name fool you – your frosty fern loves warm temperatures and high humidity!

For your plant to thrive, keep the temperature between 60°F and 77°F (15°C and 25°C).

Prepare to keep the humidity level high, i.e., 70% at minimum. Granted, this is pretty high. So, there are several ways to increase the humidity level:

  • Use a pebble tray: This is a shallow tray, containing gravel or small rocks. Place your plant on top of the pebbles, and then add water to the tray until it reaches just below the top of the gravel. The water’s evaporation will help increase the humidity around your plant.
  • Use a humidifier: Set your humidifier to “high” during the winter months to help increase the humidity of your home. Or, you can purchase a plant humidifier and place it close to your frosty fern.


Propagating by division is the easiest method of adding to your frosty fern collection. To do this divide the plant into two or more sections and replant them.

Take a look at this quick video demonstration.


One of the most common problems with frosty ferns is root rot. This can occur if the plant sits in water or the potting mix is too wet. If you think your plant has root rot, remove it from its pot and inspect the roots. If they are mushy or dark brown, they are probably rotten. Cut away rotten roots and repot the plant in fresh potting mix.


How long do frosty ferns last?

Frosty ferns can last for years with proper care.

Why is my frosty fern wilting?

There are a few reasons why your frosty fern may be wilting. It could be due to too much or too little water, lack of humidity, or too much light.

Do frosty ferns like to be misted?

Do not mist your plant’s foliage, as fungus could develop.

You can mist the soil to keep it moist.


With proper care, frosty ferns make great houseplants that can be enjoyed all year round.

Keep your plant healthy by providing it with the right amount of water, light, and humidity. And with a little bit of TLC, your frosty fern will thrive for years to come.

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